
Choosing Words of the Year

I'm Catie!

I'm a lover of mixing the spiritual with the strategic, and sharing my ongoing quest for growth and expansion.  I share what I learned, what I would do differently, and what's helped so that it might help you too.

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Here I share more stories about what I'm up to day to day.

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Here I share more about the places I've traveled to and what to do there.

Here I share helpful tools and tricks to support your wellness. 

Stories about love,dating and conscious partnership.

Choose words for the year – not goals.

The reason why we focus on the words instead of rigid goals or commitments is because it allows us to find more joy in the journey of the year, and to make a practice of honouring and aligning with the natural rhythms and cycles we experience each year. 

This is a feminine approach to goal setting and manifestation.

Coming up with words for the year has become one of my favourite practices. 

I usually have dinner out with a couple of girlfriends at the start of the year where we all share our words and why we chose them.  In December, we do a reflection dinner where we share about how those words anchored our year in ways we imagined, and couldn’t have imagined. 

Having this accountability and support is key when taking action toward a big vision or making shifts in our lives.

This is why I’ve created the space of accountability and support *for you* with the free workshop. 

I was reflecting back on some of my words of years past and wanted to share them with you because I think it’s a helpful illustration of how powerful and fun this exercise is.  

The year that I was gearing up to leave my job as a lawyer to pursue entrepreneurship full time my words were: precision, courage, and freedom.

Precision because I knew I had to be meticulous about where I was spending my time, courage because I was scared to leave the comforts of my law life and stable salary, and freedom, because it was the biggest driver to motivate me to continue to pursue these passions and take the leap that my heart was calling me to make.   

Last year my words were love, discipline and rebirth. 

It was the year I got married, finally felt myself come out of a period of letting go and feel into the rebirth of the woman I had become, reconnected with the legal community and old friends, and practiced taking action diligently, even when there was no traction or multiple setbacks. 

The year that I was working a lot on learning to be less hard on myself, my words were gentleness, sweetness, and power. 

The year that I scaled my business over six figures and met the love of my life, my words were opulence, magnetism and passion. 

The year I focused deeply on developing myself spiritually and unravelling the ego, my words were peace, beauty, and divine.

The year I was diving deep into all things divine feminine and learning to soften into it, my words were goddess, softness, and adventure. I did a really fun solo trip that year to Greece to soak in the full Greek goddess vibes.  

Every year, the words keep me on track and inspired. 

Each month, the words guide the commitments and actions I choose to take. 

And it’s that continued focus and inspired action forward each month that allows, without fail, everything that I want to happen, to happen every year.  

Sometimes in ways that I imagined, and more often than not, in ways that were even better than I could have imagined. 

This isn’t to say that every year is without its challenges, surprises, setbacks, and periods of grieving. 

Every year of growth will demand you to learn lessons, and to let go of what’s holding you back from your next level or what you said you want. 

The beauty becomes learning to navigate these challenges with grace and to see them as gifts to crack your heart even wider open so that you can experience even more of what life has to offer you.

I’m so excited to learn what your words of the year are, and for us to dive into this process together so that you can make this one a year to be proud of. 

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3/5 generator. scorpio sun/rising + capricorn moon. adventure lover.

Hi, I'm Catie. I love humans, chatting, and how to live life of meaning and purpose.  

I started this blog as a way for me to share more of my writing about everything from how to strengthen your intuition, find your purpose, and call in partnership, to my favourite travel destinations and tips. 

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