
My Natural Beauty Favourites and How I got my skin ready for my wedding

I'm Catie!

I'm a lover of mixing the spiritual with the strategic, and sharing my ongoing quest for growth and expansion.  I share what I learned, what I would do differently, and what's helped so that it might help you too.

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I love natural beauty products.

I know there’s a lot out there around the benefits of using natural products, and there are many personal stories about people choose or don’t choose to use natural products.

I actually did not intend to be such a die-hard natural skin-care person until my intuition guided me to switch over my products.

As with everything, when I get an intuitive hit that I need to do something – I do it.

Over the last 2 years I’ve used a number of different clean beauty products, and these ones I’m listing below are my favourite.

In order to get ready for my wedding, I just made sure to stick to actually using my products, doing masks 2-3 times a week, using a gua-sha regularly, and going for Clear and Brilliant laser treatments.

If you have been thinking of switching over to clean beauty products or just want ones that feel SO good on and make your skin all glowy…look no further.

My whole skincare approach is: help me look like a baby angel.

I focus with skincare on things that make me glowy and even out my skin while providing moisture.

Favourite Products

Tata Harper is My Favourite Brand

I think we all find things that work for our skin, and I am obsessed with Tata Harper. I love how luxurious her products feel, her whole mission, that it’s a female founded company, but mainly how the products all make my skin feel incredible and look all dewy and lit up.

Tata Harper has a big cult following for her resurfacing mask, which is amazing.

I was once staying with a girlfriend who had it, so I used it one night and woke up looking like a baby angel and was hooked.

Here’s what I use:

Crème Riche Anti-Aging Peptide Night Cream

I use this both during the day and night!

This smells like a dream, but is also the best for actually helping to quench dry skin. Some people find it to be too heavy for the Summer, but that’s not been my experience. I just will use a thinner amount depending on the weather and time of day.

While it’s expensive, each pot of it lasts me about 4-5 months, using it twice a day.

Invest in it – trust.

The Resurfacing Mask by Tata Harper

This is one that a lot of people swear by and there’s good reason: it makes you look really refreshed and your skin tone more even.

I use this one 1-2 times a week, and often will wear it for half an hour before working out, and then will wear it when I am working out and sweating because apparently that can help activate it further.

Anyway, this is a must if you’re going to try one.

Again, the products last a while. Each bottle of this lasts me 6 months using it regularly.

Next up are the two other Tata masks which I first dipped my toe in with when I ordered her mask mix pack, and then was hooked and bought separately.

The purifying mask by Tata Harper helps to clean out your pores for those of you like me who get clogged up or can be prone to acne.

The clarifying mask by Tata Harper makes you look like Shrek when you put it on which is glamourous, but it is another one that helps your skin look and feel amazing.


Osea is another amazing brand, but I’ve only found that I really like this serum because it’s so lightweight.

I had a friend who loves this product, but kept not getting it after the person at the Detox Market suggested against it, but I finally heeded to my intuition that suggested I would like it.

It’s a great serum that’s super light and helps to lock moisture on.

If you are also new to using serum, it’s a great one to start with.

Vintner’s daughter

This serum is another one that people go insane about. I had researched it a bit before I got it, but will say that from the second I felt it on my skin at the store, I was hooked.

It smells like a dream, but I will warn you that it’s pretty heavy until it sinks it.

I love this one as the final step in my skincare routine because it’s oil based, but it’s filled with one bajillion different things that are amazing for your skin and my philosophy is: more is more.

It’s another one that’s a real treat for yourself but worth the investment. I had to learn how to not use so much oil and really ripped through a couple of bottles until I learned that I could put the dropper directly onto my skin and save a few drops every time.

Gua Sha

I also gua sha my face regularly. You can find gua sha tools online from many different retailers. It’s an ancient Chinese medicine technique that helps to drain out the lymphatic system. The biggest benefit I’ve seen is a reduction in wrinkles in my forehead, and an overall natural glow it stimulates, as if I’ve just gone for a work-out. I absolutely love doing it too – it feels so good and helps me massage out tension in my face.

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3/5 generator. scorpio sun/rising + capricorn moon. adventure lover.

Hi, I'm Catie. I love humans, chatting, and how to live life of meaning and purpose.  

I started this blog as a way for me to share more of my writing about everything from how to strengthen your intuition, find your purpose, and call in partnership, to my favourite travel destinations and tips. 

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