
The are Infinite Possibilities For Your Life

I'm Catie!

I'm a lover of mixing the spiritual with the strategic, and sharing my ongoing quest for growth and expansion.  I share what I learned, what I would do differently, and what's helped so that it might help you too.

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 This week’s download is about imagining the infinite possibilities for your life.  

One of my favourite mantras/prayers/intentions is: “There are infinite possibilities for my life.  Anything I want for myself in my life is possible.  Please let me dwell in the realm of infinite possibilities.”  

Our minds keep us so closed to what we can see, but when we invoke this energy through these intentional words and statements, it allows our higher self to come through and opens up our imagination to new possibilities for ourselves. 

My favourite journal prompt is: “The possibility I’m creating for myself in my life is…”  The reason why this is my favourite prompt is because it allows my mind to surrender and let my creativity and imagination be free.  

Every time I have a new idea of a change in my life I want to make, a goal I want to set, or something I want to call in and manifest, I use that prompt.  

The last year, I’ve used that prompt around having an easeful time with US immigration, calling in more friendships of resonance in the NYC area, and transforming my daily schedule to one that provided more spaciousness to write and go to events in the evening where I could connect with more people in my local community.  

Sometimes our mind struggles with a story, and so it’s really helpful to use this prompt to tune into a new possibility.  

For example, the mind said “US immigration is going to be hard, expensive and cumbersome,” but I kept tuning into the possibility that it would be totally easeful, and it has been.  

Try it this week: “The possibility I’m creating for myself is…” 

Think of all of the possibilities for your life – for love, for work, for where you live, for how you want to feel in your body, for fun, for adventure, for friendships, for expansion and so many other facets of your life that are available. 

Every day there is a new possibility of what could unfold.  Every problem or challenge we encounter has a creative solution and new possibility.  

Your life is filled with infinite possibilities.  

In one possibility, you get to be, do or have whatever you want.  

In another possibility, you stay stuck, don’t take action, or never live the way that your soul is calling out for you to live.  

In one possibility, you get to live in a place you’ve always dreamed of.  

In another possibility, you decide that you only desire to live there for a short time.  

In one possibility you end up speaking on a stage with your inspiring message. In another possibility, you become the CEO of a company you’re inspired by.

You don’t need to limit yourself anymore. You get to choose which possibility you want to dwell in.  The old way is limiting yourself and keeping yourself small and quiet.  

Now there is a new way – a way to open yourself up to imagination, creativity, and possibility.  Let the Universe support and guide you.  

Let your intuition be your anchor.  

Let yourself play with new possibilities in your life.  

Let yourself believe that you can be, do, have, or experience anything you want in this one life. 

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3/5 generator. scorpio sun/rising + capricorn moon. adventure lover.

Hi, I'm Catie. I love humans, chatting, and how to live life of meaning and purpose.  

I started this blog as a way for me to share more of my writing about everything from how to strengthen your intuition, find your purpose, and call in partnership, to my favourite travel destinations and tips. 

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The Soul Map: Free Journaling Guide to Reconnect with Your Soul

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